| Lokschuppen; Marburg | Workshop

Workshop: Making Publics for Finance – Making Finance Public: Methods and Politics in Studying Finance

The event organized by project A07 will take place next Tuesday, July 23rd from 09-18 in Marburg (Lokschuppen). Please register with Daniel Kunze (kunze@ifs.tu-darmstadt.de) by Friday, July 19.

Workshop Ablauf

Location: Lokschuppen Marburg, Rudolf-Bultmann-Str. 4h

Rendering visible is an act that pertains equally to social scientific research and to the politics ofmaking finance public. Methodologically, the question how to “follow” money, credit and financialclaims in order to understand the processes of financialization has been a key issue in social studies offinance, international political economy, economic geography and cultural sociology. But the questionof how to make finance visible as an object of social scientific research is tightly linked to a politicalact of generating publics for finance: How can financial relations become a common “matter ofconcern” is a political as much as it is a methodological question – for financial relations and ecologiesof everyday life often elude experience of users and citizens. In addition, the question of “makingpublic” has assumed another layer of meaning for it is tied to the current modes of governing financialinvestments for the purpose of halting and addressing climate change. Again, the modes of knowingare crucial for these endeavors: Indicators, risk assessments, valuation models are used to governfinance in order to turn private investments into public effects. In all respects, the question of makingpublic is linked to the methodological concern of how to make visible.


09:00 – 09:15 Welcome and Opening

09:15 – 10:15 Public sustainable data, sustainable data publics: introducing the ESG information value chain
Ruben Kremers, Andreas Dimmelmeier und Felicitas Sommer

10:15 – 11:15 Own your view of risk
Julius Kob

11:15 – 11:45 Coffee Break

11:45 – 12:45 “Who owns?” Making Publics for Financialized Housing
Ute Tellmann

12:45 – 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 – 15:30 In-Visibility of State-Market Relations in the Digital Euro
Carola Westermeier

15:30 – 16:30 Follow the “Colors of Money” – Payment vs. Investment Money
Barbara Brandl

16:30 – 17:00 Coffee Break

17:00 – 18:00 The Scent of ESG
Malte Simon

18:30 Dinner