Martin Fuchs is Professor of Indian Religious History at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies of the University of Erfurt and one of the initiators and twice-time German Director of the M.S. Merian - R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies „Metamorphoses of the Political“ (ICAS-MP) in New Delhi. Martin Fuchs is Principal Investigator of the sub-project “Urban property regimes and citizenship in transition: Changing ownership patterns and systems of relatedness in India” of the Collaborative Research Centre Structural Change of Property. He obtained his Habilitation in Sociology at Freie Universität Berlin and taught at the Universities of Zürich, Heidelberg, Paderborn, Erfurt, at the FU Berlin, at the Central European University (Budapest) and at the University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand). His research interests include cultural and social theory; the anthropology, sociology and religious studies of South Asia; social and religious movements; Dalits; urban anthropology and Human Rights issues.
Prof. Dr. Martin Fuchs
- Email:
- Website: Personenseite bei der Universität Erfurt
- Address: Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien, Steinplatz 2 99085 Erfurt, Raum 408

- Fuchs, Martin (2022a): “Interpretative und Reflexive Anthropologie: Ethnographie und Repräsentation”, In: Poferl, A.; Schröer, N. (eds.), Handbuch Soziologische Ethnographie, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 169-210.
- Fuchs, Martin (2022b): “Metropolitaner Kontext und neue religiöse Bewegungen. Formen hinduistischer kosmopolitischer Urbanität”, In: Moderne Stadtgeschichte, semi-annual vol. 1, 98-111.
- Fuchs, Martin (2021): “Precarious Belonging: Religious Options and Engagements with the World in a Metropolitan Context. The case of Dalits in Dharavi (Mumbai)”, In: Religion and Urbanity Online, Berlin, 2021. DOI: