PD Dr. Stefan Schmalz

Stefan Schmalz is a Heisenberg-Research Group Leader at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences and the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Sciences at University of Erfurt. After finishing his studies and his PhD at Philipps-University Marburg, he was a post-doc fellow at the political science department at University of Kassel and a senior lecturer at the Institute of Sociology at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, where he also received his Habilitation degree. He has conducted international research residencies and teaching activities in Guangzhou, Baltimore, Montreal, Concepción, and São Paulo, among others. Stefan Schmalz was also an interim full professor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (2014-17) and the Free University of Berlin (2020-21). His primary areas of research are economic sociology and political economy, sociology of labor, sustainability, and development research.

A picture of PD Dr. Stefan Schmalz.



Scientific publications
  • Schmalz, S.; Schneidemesser, L., Xu, H. (2024): "An Emerging China-Threat-Corporatism? CRRC’s Acquisition of a German Locomotive Company and Its Impact on Labour Relations“, In: European Journal of Industrial Relations, online first, https://doi.org/10.1177/09596801231226421.
  • Köncke, P.; Schmalz, S. (2024): "The World-System of Vaccine Distribution. Global Inequalities and Geopolitical Conflicts During the COVID-19 Pandemic“, In: Journal of World-Systems Research 30(1), 195-222, https://doi.org/10.5195/jwsr.2024.1173
  • Peters, F.; Rinne, J.; Saalfeld, R.; Schmalz, S.; Stuart, A.; von der Weth, L. (2024): "Eigentumskonflikte: Eine Typologie“, SFB 294 Working Paper No. 5, https://sfb294-eigentum.de/de/publikationen/working-paper/#paper-nr-5.
  • Gräf, H.; Schmalz, S. (2023): "Avoiding the China shock: How Chinese state-backed internationalization drives changes in European economic governance“, In: Competition and Change, online first: https://doi.org/10.1177/10245294231207990.
  • Schmalz, Stefan (2023): "Varianten des digitalen Kapitalismus: China und USA im Vergleich“, in: Carstensen, T.; Schaupp, S.; Sevignani, S. (eds.): Theorien des digitalen Kapitalismus, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 285-304.
  • Erlbacher, L.; Schmalz, S. (2023): "Chinese Perspectives on the US-China Rivalry: Navigating Geo-economic and Technological Tensions in a New Era of Global Statism“, In: Critical Policy Studies 17(2), 337-345, https://doi.org/10.1080/19460171.2023.2218463.
  • Gräf, H. & Schmalz, S. (2022): "Der „systemische Rivale“ China und der Wandel der wirtschaftspolitischen Steuerung in der Europäischen Union“, In: Scholz, H.; Schuster J. (eds.): Europäische Souveränität? Solidarische Entwicklungspfade der EU in der „Zeitenwende“. Dortmund: spw Verlag, 139 -155.
  • Schmalz, Stefan (2022): "Contradicciones de la Globalización: El auge de China y la guerra económica com Estados Unidos“, In: Rojas Hernández, S.; Dörre, K. (eds.): Transformaciones Socioecológicas Globales: Sociedad Pospandemia, Cambio Climático, Naturaleza y Democracia, Santiago: RIL editores, 401-428.
  • Schmalz, Stefan (2022): Soziologie der Deglobalisierung, Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 32(3), 349-361, DOI: 10.1007/s11609-022-00483-9
  • Schmalz, S.; Gräf, H.; Köncke, P.; Schneidemesser, L. (2022): "Umkämpfte Globalisierung: Amerikanische und europäische Reaktionen auf Chinas Aufstieg im Hochtechnologiebereich“, in: Berliner Journal für Soziolologie 32(3), S. 427–454. DOI: 10.1007/s11609-022-00481-x
Media and podcasts


  • Schmalz, S.: „Cultural Encounters: Chinese Acquisitions of German Companies”, International Workshop “Chinese Industrial Investment in Europe”, Center for German Industrial Culture, Shenzhen Technology University (15.06.2024)
  • Schmalz, S.: „Chinesische E-Auto- und Batteriehersteller als neue Wettbewerber: Industrie- und arbeitspolitische Herausforderungen“, China Briefing der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung/ AG Außenpolitik der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin (25.4.2024)
  • Schmalz, S., L. von der Weth et al., “Conflicts over Property: A Typology”, Plenary Session, SFB 294 Annual Conference “Conflicts over Property”, Erfurt, (5.10.2023)
  • Schmalz, S.: „When Germany Started Questioning Chinese FDI: An Analysis of the Acquisition of a Leading German Robotics Company”, Conference „Breaking Boundaries – Chinese Companies Abroad”, The Australian National University, Canberra (29.6.2023)
  • Schmalz, Stefan: „Digitale Kapitalismusvarianten: China und USA im Vergleich”, DGS Kongress 2022, Bielefeld, (29.9.2022)
