| FU Berlin; Berlin | Workshop

Workshop "Propertisierung – Kommodifizierung – Kommerzialisierung. Kritische Perspektiven auf Reproduktionsökonomien und Bioökonomie"

Workshop der Teilprojekte JRT 03 und C02. Es gibt einen Online- und Präsenzteil. Teilnahme nur nach Anmeldung möglich!

Do 14.10.2021, 18-20 Uhr


Keynote-Lecture von Prof. Dr. Sarah Franklin (University of Cambridge)

“Fertinomics”: what is the relationship of reproduction to political economy?“

In this presentation I offer historical and contemporary perspectives on the ways in which reproduction has been both central to, and absent from, theorisations of ‘political economy’. As recent work by scholars such as Jennifer Morgan (2021) and Katherine McKrittick (2014), among others, has suggested, we can understand the origins of the concept of ‘political economy’ in terms of not only ‘what counts as capital’ – but how numbers are used to ‘count’, and to abstract not only value but life itself. Although the politics of what is perceptibly ‘economic’ or ‘economically valuable’ – as opposed to what is ‘uneconomic’ or ‘raw material’ – is a well-rehearsed problematic in the context of both the critique of racialised capitalism and the tradition of feminist materialism, it’s equally clear that ‘reproduction’, or ‘reproductivity’, remains poorly characterised as an analytic term in this context. Often it is used instead descriptively. As a concrete example, this lecture addresses ‘fertility’ as a social product, and indeed as an economic value. Using this starting point, we will work back to consider how reproduction is, and always has been, fundamental to the feminist critique of political economy.

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.

Meeting-Link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=m8cebcd99b6075b03f4dc76827444dfce 

Meeting-ID: 2730 200 0122

Passwort:  Eigentum294Frank


Freitag, 15.10.2021, 10:00-16:30 Uhr

FU Berlin

Präsenz-Workshop mit geladenen Gästen

Aufgrund der geltenden Kontaktbeschränkungen gibt es 14 Plätze, für die eine Anmeldung erforderlich ist.

Für Anmeldungen wendet ihr euch bitte an: zelda.wenner@uni-jena.de



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