| Max-Weber-Kolleg; Erfurt | Workshop

Workshop: The Chinese Property Regime: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Insights

Der Workshop wird von den Teilprojekten C01 und JRT02 organisiert.

flyer workshop

Location: University of Erfurt, Max-Weber-Kolleg, Room C19.00.04

Organized by: Subproject C01 “Hybrid Ownership Structures in State Capitalism” and Subproject JRT02 “Clash or Convergence of Capitalisms


09.00 Welcome and Opening

09.05 – 10.20 The Internationalization of the Chinese Property Regime

Philipp Köncke: “Anatomy of Chinese Capitalism: Sectoral Variation in Party-State and Corporate Governance”

Lea Schneidemesser: “An Emerging China Threat Corporatism? Analyzing the Industrial Policy Implications of Chinese Investments in Germany”

Comment: Jing Cheng

10.20 – 10.45 Coffee Break

10.45 – 12.00 The Chinese Property Regime: Insights from the Case of Shenzhen

Carsten Herrmann-Pillath: “Havings, culture, and urban development in Shenzhen”

Xu Han: “Green Infrastructure, Ritual Spaces, and Socialist Property Regimes in Shenzhen”

Comment: Stefan Schmalz

12.00 – 12.15 Coffee Break

12.15 – 13.00 Concluding Discussion

Chair: Ling Li

Participation is open and welcome, please register at: florian.schadwinkel@uni-erfurt.de