

Ungleichheiten in Ost- und Westdeutschland – Persistenz oder Wandel?

Joint conference of the Section "Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" and the Collaborative Research Centre Transregio 294 "Structural Change of Property" on 25/26 September 2023 at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The conference is organised by: Agnieszka Althaber, Kathrin Leuze, Robin K. Saalfeld, Sylka Scholz and Johannes Giesecke (Sektion Soziale Ungleichheit and Humboldt University Berlin).

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SFB-INTERN: Digital get-together mid-level staff

More information about the Mid-level Representatives.

Augustinerkloster; Erfurt

SFB-INTERN: Early career event

As part of the SFB's annual conference, a workshop entitled “Challenging Conventions in Academia” will take place on 4 October, organised by the Mid-level Representatives. Information on the programme can be found here.

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Augustinerkloster, Rathaus; Erfurt

International annual conference “Conflicts over Property”

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Universität Erfurt; Erfurt

“Contested Property”

This one-day workshop will address contemporary property conflicts from a variety of sociological, political, and legal perspectives, each highlighting a different aspect of contemporary property as a contested social relation.

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Kino am Markt; Jena

Film series “Property in View”

Who owns what and why? Property is omnipresent and yet often lost sight of in its complexity. “Property in View” is a film series of the SFB 294 “Structural Change of Property” that brings this complexity to the screen.

First Cow, USA 2019; Introduction by Dirk Schuck, Philosopher, University of Erfurt

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SFB-INTERN: Digital get-together mid-level staff

More information about the Mid-level Representatives.

Follow-up dates: 14.11.; 12.12.; 16.01.

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität; Jena

“Local self-governance and urban property relations: Historical and present perspectives”

The workshop is organised by the subprojects B07 and C04.

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From the Factory into the Living Room: The Roots of Socialisation and Its Recent Return

Public lecture by Dr. Ralf Hoffrogge at the workshop "Local self-governance and urban property relations: Historical and present perspectives".

The lecture is in German with English translation.

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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität; Jena

The Critique of Social Totality. On the Conception of Society in Critical Theory

This workshop is organized by project A06 "The normative foundations of property".

Contact and registration: Maximilian Huschke

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