Hartmut Rosa, Silke van Dyk and Tilman Reitz (the SFB's speakers) will present their book Nach dem Privateigentum? (available open access from Campus), which was published this summer and is part of the publication series of the SFB.
Book presentations on the history of credit and debt
Felix Krämer (A02) presents his book Leben auf Kredit and Matthias Ruoss presents his book Auf Pump. Both books will be commented on and discussed afterwards.
The movie series is back for the start of the semester. This time the movie “Das Schmuckstück” (France, 2010) will be shown. It will be introduced by Dirk Schuck (A03).
Workshop: From Contested Ownership to (In)Voluntary Returns: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Postcolonial Fight for Restitution and Repatriation
Collaborative Research Center TRR 294 “Structural Change of Property” (Universities Erfurt and Jena) and DFG-Research Unit FOR 2983 “Voluntariness” (Universities of Erfurt, Jena and Oldenburg).
Organizers: PD Dr. Silvan Niedermeier (University of Erfurt) and Dr. Sahra Rausch (Coordination Office “Thuringia’s Colonial Legacy”, University of Jena)
International Annual Conference "Beyond (Private) Property"
At the conference in Jena, we will discuss different forms of ownership that cannot be reduced to private property - which is dominant in modern societies - and ask about possibilities for organizing social relations in a non-property form or beyond private property. The programme is available here.
On 19.11. the film Kraft der Utopie. Living with Le Corbusier in Chandigarh (Switzerland 2023) will be shown. Andreas Pettenkofer, sociologist, Max-Weber-Kolleg, University of Erfurt, will introduce the film.
Workshop: Pragmatistische Perspektiven: Das Eigentum und seine praktischen Folgen
Der Workshop wird vom Projekt A06 organisiert. Um Anmeldung unter yann.schosser@uni-jena.de wird gebeten. Das genaue Programm folgt in Kürze an dieser Stelle.
The all-day, SFB-internal workshop is organized by subproject B06. It is dedicated to collecting and reflecting on the results of the first funding phase of the CRC/Transregio 294 on the topic of property and gender relations. Based on the concrete findings of various sub-projects, the aim is to develop theses on the reciprocal relationships between property and gender. In addition, the focus will be on discussing the further development of this topic in the upcoming funding phase.
The event will be organized by Kathrin Leuze, Sylka Scholz, Robin K. Saalfeld and Agnieszka Althaber (all Friedrich Schiller University Jena). Participation is open to all. Please register with Katrin Töpel by November 15, 2024 at: sek.leuze@uni-jena.de.