| Rosensäle; Jena | Conference

“Klima, Märkte, Gerechtigkeit – Wie der Umbau der Wirtschaft gelingen kann”

The symposium is jointly organised by research projects at the Department of Sociology of Work, Industry and Economics: H2Well (funded by the BMBF), TP B05 of the SFB "Structural Change of Property" (funded by the DFG) & BeaT (funded by the BMWK)

Programme and contents

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The transformation of the economy has definitively become an issue of social conflict and is increasingly under political pressure. Ecological and social priorities often appear to be at odds with each other. Especially companies constitute the places in which the acceptance and success of a socio-ecological transformation will be decided. Although the necessary decarbonisation affects virtually all areas of the economy, there are undoubtedly sectors that are under particularly high pressure to change, such as the mobility and logistics sector or the energy industry. Transformation conflicts are the order of the day here - but the strategic reactions of the workforces and their trade union representatives are strikingly different.

The international symposium aims to comparatively analyse selected cases of transformation in order to take into account regional and operational characteristics and to identify promising approaches. The dynamics of socio-ecological transformation conflicts will be analysed in various keynote speeches, workshops and a panel discussion. One such case that is still receiving Europe-wide attention is the permanent assembly that workers at the GKN factory in Florence (Italy), formerly producer of parts for cars, have been holding for the past two years in order to achieve a conversion of production towards more sustainable goods. The transformation of the base of industrial value creation and the system of labour relations in Germany, on the other hand, lead to different courses of conflict and perspectives. Parallel workshops will also address the role of hydrogen for ecological modernization, the future of the logistics sector, structural changes in the automotive industry and  the role of broader alliances of transformation between activists, workers and trade unions. Finally, a broad panel will explore strategies, challenges and alliances for a successful transformation.


09:30 – 09:45 Uhr Arrival and welcome coffee
09:45 – 10:00 Uhr Greeting 

Keynote speeches 
10:00 – 12:00 Uhr   KLAUS DÖRRE (FSU Jena): „Zur Dynamik von Transformationskonflikten“ 
                                  FRANCESCA GABBRIELLINI (University of Bologna, ex-GKN Reindustrialization Group):
                                  „Lost in Transition: GKN Workers' Struggle and Italy's Auto Crisis“ (auf Englisch) 
                                  HANS-JÜRGEN URBAN (FSU Jena & Vorstand IG Metall): „Zur Transformation der industriellen Wertschöpfungsbasis
                                  im deutschen Kapitalismus. Arenen, Konflikte, Perspektiven

12:00 – 13:00 Uhr Lunch 

Parallel workshops
13:00 – 15:00 Uhr   (1) „Grüner Wasserstoff für die sozial-ökologische Transformation? Chancen, Herausforderungen und
                                       Entwicklungsszenarien für Thüringen“ ANNA HAFER, VERA VOLLMER, ANNA MEHLIS, FABIAN PFLÜGLER
                                 (2) „Transformation oder Krise der Autoindustrie: VW Kassel und Opel Eisenach im Vergleich“ CARSTEN BÜCHLING,
                                       BERND LÖSCHE, KIM LUCHT, JOHANNA SITTEL  
                                 (3) „Wandel und Zukunft der Deutschen Post“ THOMAS GROßSTÜCK, ARTUR KULA, STEFFEN LIEBIG
                                 (4) „Transformative alliances – a comparative perspective on Italy and Germany“ (in English) FRANCESCA

15:00 – 15:30 Uhr Coffebreak

Closing podium 

15:30 – 17:30 Uhr   Panel discussion „Wie der Umbau der Wirtschaft gelingen kann“  
                                with: CHRISTIANE BENNER (Vorstand IG Metall), CARSTEN BÜCHLING (BR VW Kassel); FRANZISKA HEINISCH
                                (Organizerin & Publizistin, #wirfahrenzusammen)  and BERND LÖSCHE (BR Opel Eisenach)
                                Moderation: INES SCHWERDTNER  

Download the full programme


Registration is requested: https://kurzelinks.de/symposiumjena