Helena Gräf

Helena Gräf is a PhD student at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt in cooperation with the Berlin School of Economics and Law on the topic of “Green Industrial Policy in the EU: The State-Driven Transformation of the Battery Value Chain”.

As an associate member of the sub-project JRT02 who focuses on orders of property, her research analyses industrial and (foreign) economic policy reactions in Germany and the European Union in response to a changing competitive situation in the wake of the global expansion of Chinese companies. Previously, she was a pre-doctoral student at the Max Weber College for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies and worked as a research assistant at the HWR Berlin in the research project “Global Value Chains in Germany, India, and Brazil after COVID 19 - Beginning of a New Type of Globalization?”.

Helena Gräf completed the M.A. “Political Economy of European Integration” at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) as well as a study visit at the Universidad de Montevideo in Uruguay. In her DAAD-funded master's thesis, she analyzed the impact of the sustainability chapter on labor standards in the EU free trade agreement with Vietnam. She wrote this thesis while working at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) on the topic of trade agreements as well as public procurement as labor governance instruments in the context of global production networks.

Research Interests: International and Comparative Political Economy, Sustainability in Global Value Chains and Global Production Networks, Green Industrial Policy, European Economic Governance, Social-ecological transformation.

A picture of Helena Gräf.



Scientific publications
  • Gräf, H.,; Schmalz, S. (2023): “Avoiding the China shock: How Chinese state-backed internationalization drives changes in European economic governance”, In: Competition & Change. DOI: 10.1177/10245294231207990
  • Gräf, H.; Teipen, C. (2023): “Die Covid-19-Pandemie in der deutschen Automobil- und IT-Dienstleistungsindustrie: Auswirkungen auf Beschäftigung, Arbeitsbeziehungen und die Restrukturierung der Wertschöpfungskette“, In: AIS-Studien, 16(2), 43-57. https://doi.org/10.21241/ssoar.91252
  • Gräf, Helena & Topuria, Salome (2023): “The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Industrial Policy in Germany and the European Union. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, online first, DOI: doi.org/10.4337/ejeep.2023.0112.
  • Herr, H.; Teipen, C.; Gräf H. (2023): “Corona und das globale Machtgefälle in Lieferketten am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie“, In: Haipeter, T., Helfen, M., Kirsch, A. und Rosenbohm, S. (eds.) Soziale Standards in globalen Lieferketten: Internationale Richtlinien, unternehmerische Verantwortung und die Stimme der Beschäftigten, Bielefeld: transcript, 115-133.
  • Gräf, H. & Schmalz, S. (2022): “Der „systemische Rivale“ China und der Wandel der wirtschaftspolitischen Steuerung in der Europäischen Union”, In: Scholz, H.; Schuster J. (eds.): Europäische Souveränität? Solidarische Entwicklungspfade der EU in der „Zeitenwende“. Dortmund: spw Verlag, 139 -155.
  • Schmalz, S.; Gräf, H.; Köncke, P.; Schneidemesser, L. (2022): “Umkämpfte Globalisierung: Amerikanische und europäische Reaktionen auf Chinas Aufstieg im Hochtechnologiebereich“, In: Berlin J Soziol 32, 427–454. DOI: 10.1007/s11609-022-00481-x
Media and podcasts


  • Gräf, H.: A neo-mercantilist turn? The EU industrial policy actor for a social-ecological transformation of the battery value chain amidst geopolitical crises, DVPW Sektionstagung Politische Ökonomie and Young Scholar Initiative Witten/Herdecke University (21.-22.09.2023.)
  • Gräf, H.: A neo-mercantilist turn? The state’s potential as industrial policy actor for a social-ecological transformation of Global Value Chains SASE 35th Annual Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (22.07.2023)
  • Gräf, H.: Conflicts over the rise of Chinese capitalism: The reconfiguration of economic governance in the EU, Workshop „Germany’s Geopolitical Economy“, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto (30.09.2022)
  • Gräf, H.: Challenging the Rise of Chinese Companies: The European Union’s New “Airlock Regime” in Economic Governance, SASE Annual Conference 2022, Amsterdam (10.7.2022)  
  • Gräf, Helena: “Re-Emergence of Organized Capitalism in the EU?” Workshop “Clash or Convergence of Capitalisms!, Erfurt, SFB 294/ Universität Erfurt, 10.-(11.06.2022)
