Jing Cheng

My Person
I am a PhD candidate specializing in institutional economics, with a focus on governance and the role of institutions in urbanizing contexts. My academic interests center on the complex interactions between institutions and governance in China's urbanization process, particularly exploring how formal and informal rules evolve and intersect in practice. My research is interdisciplinary, drawing on insights from institutional economics, political economy, organizational sociology, and public administration, aiming to understand and address governance challenges in transitional economies.

A picture of Jing Cheng.

Research Project

My current research investigates the governance dynamics of Shareholding Cooperative Companies (SCCs) in Shenzhen, China, as a case study of institutional evolution in urbanizing regions. I explore how SCCs mediate between the government, urban villages, and informal real estate markets, influencing both governance structures and processes. By analyzing institutional interactions at different levels—internal governance, urban village governance, and the informal real estate market—my study provides a nuanced understanding of how institutional frameworks shape governance outcomes in transitional economies. The research also highlights the role of SCCs in influencing government policy, particularly in adapting informal practices to formalized urban renewal strategies.




