Dr. des. Lara Rössig

Lara Rössig received her PhD from LMU Munich in 2024, with a dissertation titled "Seasoned and Styled – Exploring the Food×Fashion Nexus" (summa cum laude). Her work examines the connection of food and fashion, focusing on patterns of discrimination and social injustice. As Fulbright Visiting Scholar she has researched at the Museum at FIT, New York and the University of Georgia, Athens. Her general research

Currently Lara Rössig is working on a postdoc project that highlights the acquisition of property by Black people against all odds after the Reconstruction period. The emerging Black middle and upper class in urban centers mainly in the American South is at the core of the project. Looking at Black families mainly in the U.S.-American South her project expands the research focus on race and class by including gender dynamics in an intersectional approach. The projects aims to examine the interactions of Black families within Black communities and White society as well as the dynamics within the families with regard to property formation.




A picture of Dr. des. Lara Rössig.

