Marion Reiser is Professor for German Politics at the Department of Political Science at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. After studying in Göttingen and Bristol, she received her doctorate in 2005 with a thesis on the professionalization of local politics in major German cities. From 2004, she was first research coordinator and then co-project leader of a sub-project on local party systems in East and West Germany in the SFB 580 'Gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen nach dem Systemumbruch – Diskontinuität, Tradition und Strukturbildung' at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. From 2008 to 2014, she was assistant professor at the Institute of Political Science at Goethe University Frankfurt, where she completed her habilitation in 2014 with the thesis "Innerparteilicher Wettbewerb bei der Kandidatenaufstellung: Ausmaß – Organisation – Selektionskriterien.“ Following stays abroad at the Universities of Copenhagen, Birmingham and Oslo and a professorship in German Politics and Politics of the European Union from 2014 to 2018 at Leuphana University Lüneburg, she moved to Jena in 2018. Her research interests are in the areas of party, elite, and representation research as well as in the field of local politics research.
- Reiser, Marion (2023): “The informal rules of candidate selection and their impact on intra-party competition”, In: Party Politics, 0(0), DOI: 10.1177/13540688231172336.
- Reiser, Marion; Reiter, Renate (2023): “A (New) East–West-Divide? Representative Democracy in Germany 30 Years after Unification”, In: German Politics, 32:1, 1-19, DOI: 10.1080/09644008.2022.2049598.
- Coffé, Hilde; Reiser, Marion (2023): “How perceptions and information about women’s descriptive representation affect support for positive action measures”, In: International Political Science Review, DOI: 10.1177/0192512121995748.
- Reiser, Marion (2022): “Strategies of the Party Selectorate: The Two-Level Game in District Selections in Germany’s Mixed Member Electoral System”, In: Frontiers in Political Science, DOI: 10.3389/fpos.2021.780235
- Reiser, Marion (2021): Innerparteilicher Wettbewerb bei der Kandidatenaufstellung: Ausmaß – Organisation – Selektionskriterien. Springer VS: Wiesbaden.
- Reiser, Marion (2019): “Wettbewerb, Proporz, Solidarität – die konkurrierenden Logiken informeller Regeln bei der innerparteilichen Kandidatenaufstellung”, In: Zeitschrift für Parteienwissenschaften 2: 195-205.
- Reiser, Marion (2018a): “Abgehoben und entkoppelt? Abgeordnete zwischen öffentlicher Kritik und Professionalisierungslogik”, In: Brichzin, J. et al. (Eds.): Soziologie der Parlamente. Wiesbaden, 111-134.
- Reiser, Marion (2018b): “Contagion Effects by the AfD? Candidate Selection in Germany”, In: Coller, X.; Codero, G.; Jaime-Castillo, A. M. (Eds.): The Selection of Politicians in Times of Crisis. Routledge, 81-97.
- Coffé, H.; Reiser, M. (2018): “Political candidates’ attitudes towards group representation”, In: The Journal of Legislative Studies 24:3, 272-297, DOI: 10.1080/13572334.2018.1516603.
- Reiser, Marion (2014): “The Universe of Group Representation in Germany: Analyzing Formal and Informal Party Rules and Quotas in the Process of Candidate Selection”, In: International Political Science Review, 35(1), 56-66.
- Reiser, Marion (2006): Zwischen Ehrenamt und Berufspolitik: Professionalisierung der Kommunalpolitik in deutschen Großstädten. From the series: Stadtforschung aktuell, Band 107, eds. Hellmut Wollmann. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden (Dissertation, University of Göttingen 2005).
- “Zoom oder Fußballstadion? Kandidatenaufstellung in der Corona-Pandemie.” PRuF-Symposium ‚Digitale Parteiendemokratie‘, Düsseldorf. (1.-2. April 2022)
- “Between intra-party perspective and voters’ orientation: Perspectives and strategies of the selectorate in district selections in Germany’s mixed member electoral system”, ECPR Joint Sessions 2021, Workshop “Intraparty competition in comparative perspective”