Dr. Markus Kip

After studying philosophy and theology in Munich and San Salvador, Markus he continued with sociology in Berlin and New York, and obtained his PhD in Sociology from York University in Toronto in 2016. He is the author of The Ends of Union Solidarity: Undocumented Labor and German Trade Unions (2017) and co-editor of Urban Commons: Moving beyond State and Market (2015). Together with Ross Beveridge, he produces the Urban Political - The Podcast on Urban Theory, Research, and Activism.

A picture of Dr. Markus Kip.

Research Project

Contestations around the Public Good and the Future of the Commons: Property Relations in the Context of Welfare Transformation (C04 with Prof. Silke van Dyk)    

The research project inquires into the role of commons to address the social question in the context of austerity politics and the impact on (local) property regimes. We consider the empirical interplay across three levels: First, the research examines the processes of welfare re-structuring and disembedding in Spain and Great Britain since 2008, and then, secondly, considers their implementation and contestations (including strategies of re-municipalization) in two urban contexts (Barcelona and Liverpool). Third, we look at civic initiatives in the metropolitan regions that seek to close gaps in public services on the basis of commoning practices and how they relate to their contexts politically.  



Academic publications
  • van Dyk, S.; Kip, M. (2023): "Rethinking Social Rights as Social Property: Alternatives to Private Property, and the Democratisation of Public Politics", in: Critical Sociologyhttps://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/08969205231195378.
  • Kip, Markus (2021): "Krisendiagnostik einer kritischen Stadtforschung", Kommentar zu Stefan Höhne und Boris Michel "Das Ende des Städtischen? Pandemie, Digitalisierung und planetarische Enturbanisierung", in: sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung (9) 1/2.
  • Kip, M.; Young, D. (2020): "The Paradox of Preserving Modernism. Heritage Debates at Alexanderplatz.", in: Drummond, L.; Young, D. (eds.), Socialist and Post-Socialist Urbanisms. A Global Perspective, 185–203. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Kip, M.; Sommer, C. (2019): "Commoning in New Tourism Areas. Co-performing evening socials at Admiralbrücke in Berlin-Kreuzberg", in: Tourism and Everyday Life in the Contemporary City. Frisch, T.; Sommer, C.; Stoltenberg; Stors, N. (eds.), Routledge.
  • Kip, Markus (2017): The Ends of Union Solidarity: Undocumented Labour and German Trade Unions, Book Series Labor and Globalization International Center for Development and Decent Work No. 10. Hampp Verlag.
  • Dellenbaugh, M.; Kip, M.; Bieniok, M.; Müller, A.; Schwegmann, M. (eds.) (2015): Urban Commons. Moving Beyond State and Market, Bauwelt Fundamente No. 154. Birkhäuser / De Gruyter. (übersetzt ins Russische. 2020. Im Druck. Городская совместность: за пределами государства и рынка. Urbanica Studia Series. St. Petersburg: New Literary Observer.)
  • Kip, M.; Bourke, A.; Dafnos, T. (eds.) (2011): Lumpencity. Discourses of Marginality – Marginalizing Discourses, Red Quill Books (peer-reviewed).
  • Kip, Markus (2016) "Keyword: Solidarity.", in: Keywords for Radicals, Kelly Fritsch, Clare O'Connor und AK Thompson (eds.), 391-398. AK Press.
Media and podcasts

Lectures (selection)

  • “De-Privatizing the City: Contesting Public Services and the Social Economy in Liverpool and Barcelona“, Lecture by Silke van Dyk, Markus Kip and Luzie Gerstenhöfer on the occasion of the colloquium “Think and Drink“, Georg-Simmel-Zentrum Berlin (10.06.2024)  


  • 2019-21: Interdisziplinäre Stadtforschung. Seminar für Master-Studierende. Georg-Simmel-Zentrum für Metropolenforschung, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (zusammen mit Prof. Ilse Helbrecht)
  • 2021: Spatial Theory Lab: Verdinglichung, Entfremdung, Entwurzelung. Seminar für Master-Studierende, Geographisches Institut, Universität Zürich (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Hanna Hilbrandt, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf; Prof. Dr. Eberhard Rothfuss)
  • 2016-2018: Vorlesung Stadtentwicklung (Master-Studierende), Fachbereich Architektur, Technische Universität Darmstadt
  • 2017-2018: Seminar “Forschungsmethoden in der Stadtforschung”, URBANgrad, TU Darmstadt
  • 2016-2017: Seminar “Urban Studies for Architects”, URBANgrad, TU Darmstadt
