Nathalie Glamann

Member of the SFB from October to December 2023

Nathalie Glamann is currently a research assistant in sub-project B04 "Economic property and political (in)equality. An elite sociological analysis". In this project, she is primarily concerned with qualitative data collection to analyse the significance of economic property in the course of political careers. Previously, she studied at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in the Bachelor's programme European History and Social Sciences and in the Master's programme Social Sciences. During this time, she worked as a research assistant at the Saxony-Anhalt Coordination Centre for Gender Research and Equal Opportunities. She completed her Master's degree in July 2023 with the colloquium for her Master's thesis. In her thesis, she investigated the support of women within the party for the 2017 federal elections. Nathalie Glamann's research interests lie primarily in political representation, political gender research and sociology of labour.

A picture of Nathalie Glamann.



  • Glamann, Nathalie/ De Carlo, Gian-Luca (2023): Corona und die medizinische Pflege - eine explorative Untersuchung zu psycho-sozialen Belastungen von Pflegekräften im ersten Pandemie-Jahr. In: Heike Ohlbrecht/ Astrid Seltrecht (Hrsg.): Pflege: Systemrelevant – und nun? Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 101-131.:
