Philipp Köncke holds a Master of Science in Economics from the University of Rostock, which he completed with a distinction, and works as a research associate at the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt. In his master's thesis, he analysed the interdependencies between the unconventional monetary policy implemented by the European Central Bank in response to the eurozone crises and income and wealth inequality in Germany. His research interests include the political economy of globalisation, comparative capitalism research, development economics, and the sociology of industrial relations. In his dissertation project, Philipp Köncke examines the specific state-capital-nexus in China’s political economy and analyses the internationalisation strategies of Chinese companies expanding into Europe.
Research project
The subproject "Clash or Convergence of Capitalisms" (JRT02) analyzes fundamental shifts in the global property order that arise from the international expansion of Chinese corporations. A key claim is that Chinese state capitalism features a property order that differs from Western capitalist models. In his dissertation project, Philipp Köncke analyzes the anatomy of this Chinese property order and investigates how it shapes the internationalization of Chinese corporations into Europe. The focus is on the mechanisms by which state agencies and the Chinese Communist Party, as partial owners of companies and control authorities, influence the international expansion of Chinese firms. In the context of the discussed "geo-economic turn" of the EU, the dissertation project also analyzes the current patterns of Chinese (state-driven) investments in Europe.
Scientific publications
- Köncke, P.; De Graaff, N. (2024): “Chinese Multinationals and Europe’s Geoeconomic Turn: De-globalization of the Chinese ICT and Automotive Industry?“, In: Politics and Governance 12, (accepted, forthcoming)
- Köncke, P. & Schmalz, S. (2024): “The World-System Of Vaccine Distribution: Global Inequalities And Geopolitical Conflicts During The COVID-19 Pandemic”, In: Journal of World-Systems Research, 30(1), 195-222,
- Köncke, P. & Schmalz, S. (2024): “Die gescheiterte Symbiose zweier Akkumulationsregime: Die US-amerikanisch-chinesischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen vor der Zerreißprobe“, In: Schneider; Syrovatka (Hrsg.): Politische Ökonomie der Zeitenwende – Perspektiven der Regulationstheorie, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 130-151.
- Köncke, P. (2023): “Parteistaatskapitalismus trifft Geoökonomie: Zum Strukturwandel ökonomischer Staatstätigkeit im chinesischen Kapitalismus“, In: Kurswechsel, Heft 3/2023, 39-50.
- Haas, T.; Köncke, P.; Simon, J.; Stützle, I.; Wissen, M. (2023): “Editorial: Wieviel 1973 steckt in 2023? 50 Jahre Brüche und Kontinuitäten“, In: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 53(213), 588–594.
- Köncke, P.; Schmalz, S. (2023): “Die Geopolitik der Impfstoffverteilung“, In: Geographische Rundschau 9/2023, 10-13.
- Köncke, P.; Simon, J. (2022): “StaatsKapitalismus“ (Editorial), In: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 52(208), 364-371.
- Schmalz, S.; Gräf, H.; Köncke, P. and Schneidemesser, L. (2022): “Umkämpfte Globalisierung: Amerikanische und europäische Reaktionen auf Chinas Aufstieg im Hochtechnologiebereich“, In: Berlin J Soziol 32, 427–454. DOI: 10.1007/s11609-022-00481-x
- Köncke, P.,; Schmalz, S. (2022): “Das Weltsystem der Impfstoffnutzung: Globale Ungleichheiten und geopolitische Konflikte in der Corona-Pandemie”, In: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 52(206), 33–54. DOI: 10.32387/prokla.v52i206.1982.
- Köncke, Philipp (2021): “Demokratische Konversion oder kapitalistische Modernisierung? Strukturwandel und Arbeitskämpfe in der deutschen Automobilindustrie”, In: Candeias, M. & Krull, S. (eds.): Spurwechsel. Studien zu Mobilitätsindustrien, gerechten Übergängen und alternativer Produktion.
Media and podcasts
- “Pekings Impfstoff-Diplomatie erreicht ihre Grenzen“ with Philipp Köncke as an expert at ChinaTable about chinese vaccine exports (12.5.2022)
- De Graaff, N.; Köncke, P.: China Inc. Enters Europe: Internationalization Strategies of Chinese ICT and Automotive Companies Expanding into the European Union, EWIS-Workshop, Amsterdam (2.-14.7.2023)
- Köncke, P.: The Anatomy of China’s State Capitalism: Mechanisms of Party-State Influence and Degrees of State-Permeation, Lingnan University, Hong Kong (16.5.2023)
- Köncke, P.; Schmalz, S.: Staatskapitalismus in globaler Perspektive: Entstehung, Verlaufsformen und Konflikte, DGS-Kongress, Bielefeld (30.9.2022)
- Erlbacher, L.; Köncke, P.: The Anatomy of China’s State Capitalism: Mechanisms of Party-State Influence and Degrees of State-Permeation, REDEFINE China/Europe and the Changing Global Order Seminar Series, The Open University, UK, digital (8.9.2022)
- Köncke, P.: Mechanisms of Party-State Influence and Degrees of State-Permeation in China’s Capitalism, SASE Annual Conference 2022, Amsterdam (10.7.2022)