Wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführung und Verwaltung
The Z02 project is responsible for the scientific management and administration of the SFB. The Z02 project is also responsible for the coordination of research transfer services and the preparation of findings for the general public, the supervision of guests and Mercator Fellows, cooperation with other institutions and the coordination of the event programme with four international conferences and workshops in various formats.
In addition, the Z02 project is responsible for a centrepiece of the SFB's public relations work: this is an innovative online platform whose function goes beyond the usual external presentation of scientific institutions. In line with the SFB's thematic affinity to new forms of knowledge distribution, this platform is intended to make the research results of the sub-projects available in open access. At the same time, the 'New Library of Property' also prepares thematically relevant texts for the general public.
Project activities
- „Strukturwandel des Eigentums - wirtschaftsethische Herausforderung oder Chance?“, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Heft 3/2023. Edited by Bettina Hollstein & Amelie Stuart.