Zentralprojekt für Ergebnissicherung, Konzeptentwicklung und Gesellschaftsvergleich


Under the leadership of the three lead applicants and the scientific management of the SFB, the Z01 project takes on central cross-sectional tasks for the SFB. The project serves to condense, contrast and bring together the research results from the sub-projects, with the aim of developing a cross-disciplinary inventory of property-related concepts, the contrasting systematisation of theory-generating considerations on the property relations of late modern societies and the preparation of comparative social perspectives.

This is less about developing a grand theory that homogenises the individual perspectives and more about the structuring moderation of the disciplines and approaches involved in the SFB. The Z01 project operates at the interface of the project areas, working groups and transfer areas in order to utilise the diversity of perspectives and historical depth developed there for an overarching diagnosis of the present.

Project activities


  • Series of publications „Strukturwandel des Eigentums“ at Campus Verlag (open access)
  • Issue focus „Strukturwandel des Eigentums“ at Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik 2023 (3), published by Bettina Hollstein und Amelie Stuart.


  • Film series “Property in View”, in cooperation with the Kino am Markt in Jena. IIn this film series, the SFB 294 brings the complexity of the question of property (who owns what and why?) to the screen. The film selection, commented on by SFB researchers, focuses on conflicts over property, current dynamics of change and possible alternatives to property-based orders.
  • Series „MEINS?! Strukturwandel des Eigentums – Literatur meets Wissenschaft“ in cooperation with the Jenaer Theaterhaus. The aim of this series is to bring the question of ownership to the stage and make it accessible to a wide audience. We search for clues in literature, novels, stories and biographies, because the question of property is not only an economic and political one, but is also rich in stories, emotions, experiences and individual challenges.

Project Staff