From April 2016, I studied the subject of law, with a later focus on “German and European Labor and Social law”. I completed my studies in July 2020 with the first state exam in law. In this context, I wrote the seminar paper “Der Schutz der unternehmerischen Freiheit des nach dem MitbestG mitbestimmten Unternehmen” (The protection of the entrepreneurial freedom of the co-determined company governed by the German Co-Determination Act), which laid the foundation for my interest in employee co-determination. Since August 2020, I have been working as a research assistant at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and am doing my doctorate in European Co-Determination Law.
- Langbein, Helene (2024): “Multinational Corporations and the Blocking of Trade Unions in Germany”, In: Critical Perspectives on International Business, Special Issue: “Multinational Corporations and Grand Challenges: Part of the problem, part of the solution?”, EarlyCite:
- Langbein, Helene (2023): “The German Lieferkettensorgfaltsplichtengesetz (LkSG) – a Step Towards More Humanity in Supply Chains?”, In: Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, Dispatch No. 47.
- AG zum Schuldrecht BT WS 2020/21 (2 SWS)