PD Dr. Stefan Schmalz

Stefan Schmalz is a Heisenberg-Research Group Leader at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences and the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Sciences at University of Erfurt. After finishing his studies and his PhD at Philipps-University Marburg, he was a post-doc fellow at the political science department at University of Kassel and a senior lecturer at the Institute of Sociology at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, where he also received his Habilitation degree. He has conducted international research residencies and teaching activities in Guangzhou, Baltimore, Montreal, Concepción, and São Paulo, among others. Stefan Schmalz was also an interim full professor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (2014-17) and the Free University of Berlin (2020-21). His primary areas of research are economic sociology and political economy, sociology of labor, sustainability, and development research.

A picture of PD Dr. Stefan Schmalz.



Scientific publications
  • Schmalz, Stefan (2023): “Varianten des digitalen Kapitalismus: China und USA im Vergleich”, In: Carstensen, Tanja/Schaupp, Simon/Sevignani, Sebastian (eds.): Theorien des digitalen Kapitalismus, Berlin: Suhrkamp, S. 285-304.
  • Gräf, H., Schmalz, S. (2023): “Avoiding the China shock: How Chinese state-backed internationalization drives changes in European economic governance”, In: Competition and Change, online first: DOI: 10.1177/10245294231207990
  • Köncke, P., & Schmalz, S. (2022): “Das Weltsystem der Impfstoffnutzung: Globale Ungleichheiten und geopolitische Konflikte in der Corona-Pandemie”, In: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialwissenschaft52(206), 33–54. DOI: 10.32387/prokla.v52i206.1982.
  • Schmalz, S., Singe, I., & Hasenohr, A. (2021): “Political discontent and labour in a post-growth region: A view from East Germany.”, In: Anthropological Theory21(3), 364-385. DOI: 10.1177/1463499620982784.
  • Schmalz, Stefan (2021): “Widersprüche der Globalisierung: Der Aufstieg Chinas und der Wirtschaftskrieg mit den USA”, In: Kraemer, Klaus/ Münnich, Sascha (ed.): Ökonomischer Nationalismus. Soziologische Analysen wirtschaftlicher Ordnungen, Frankfurt/ New York: Campus, 269-290.
  • Schmalz, Stefan (2019): “The Three Stages of Chinese Capital Export”, In: Austrian Journal of Development Studies/ Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, 35(4), 17-38. DOI: 10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-3-17.
  • Schmalz, Stefan (2018): Machtverschiebungen im Weltsystem. Der Aufstieg Chinas und die große Krise. Frankfurt/New York: Campus. (also habilitation thesis).
  • Schmalz, Stefan/ Sommer, Brandon/ Lütten, John (2017): “Prekarität in der chinesischen Hochwachstumsgesellschaft: Eine Fallstudie zur Situation von Wanderarbeitern im Perlflussdelta”, In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 27(2), 179-207. DOI: 10.1007/s11609-017-0342-6
  • Schmalz, Stefan/ Sommer, Brandon/ Xu, Hui (2017): “The Yue Yuen Strike: Industrial Transformation and Labour Unrest in the Pearl River Delta”, In: Globalizations, 14(2), 285- 297. DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2016.1203188
Media and podcasts
  • Das Erste (2024): "FAKT vom 19.03.2024", https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/fakt/fakt/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL21kci5kZS9zZW5kdW5nLzI4MTA2MC8yMDI0MDMxOTIxNDUvZmFrdC0xMzcy.


  • Schmalz, Stefan. "Kampf der digitalen Kapitalismen“, talk at the 41th Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS), University of Bielefeld, Germany. (29.09.2022)
