Ownership of genetic resources: On the appropriation of traditional knowledge in the bio-economy


The research project investigates the attempted imposition of ownership structures on traditional knowledge about genetic resources. It aims to gain insights into the internal dynamics of the objects of ownership, which complicate that propertisation process, and the potential emergence of alternative ownership regimes and alternatives to private property itself in the global bio-economy.

The empirical focus of the study is on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol from its international negotiation forums to the debates on reparation payments between indigenous peoples and companies in Brazil.

Contact: biodiv-property@uni-jena.de

Project activities


Scientific publications
  • Relly, Eduardo (2023): "Stevia as a genetic resource: intellectual property and Guarani strategies for access-and-benefit sharing in Paraguay and Brazil", In: Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society), v. 13.
  • Relly, Eduardo (2023): "Recursos genéticos e bioprospecção no Brasil: capitaloceno, protagonismo e os (des)caminhos até o Protocolo de Nagoya (2010)“, In: Caravelle, 119(-1), 89-106. DOI: 10.4000/caravelle.13152.
  • Tittor, Anne; Relly, Eduardo; Backhouse Maria (2023): “¿De quién es y quién decide sobre la biodiversidad? Un análisis crítico del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológic”, In: Ecología Política, Nr. 66 Crisis ecológica y pérdida de biodiversidad, 2023.
  • Tittor, Anne; Backhouse, Maria; Lühmann, Malte (2023): "Extraktive Bioökonomie: Implikationen des globalen Sojakomplexes“, In: Paula-Irene Villa (ed.): Polarisierte Welten: Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2022, 26.-30. Sept. 2022, Universität Bielefeld. München: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS).
  • Backhouse, Maria (2022): “Die Aktualität der Frontier als Analysekonzept: eine Einordnung der aktuellen Landkonflikte in Amazonien, DOI: 10.3224/peripherie.v42i2.06
  • Backhouse, Maria (2022): “Wissen(schaft) und lokales ökologisches Wissen, DOI: 10.14361/9783839456279-050
  • Backhouse, Maria (2022): “Ursprüngliche Akkumulation und Subsistenz, DOI: 10.1515/9783839456279-048
  • Anlauf, Axel; Backhouse, Maria (2022): “Weltökologie, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-05675-9_41-1
  • Backhouse, Maria; Lühmann, Malte; Tittor, Anne (2022): “Global Inequalities in the Bioeconomy: Thinking Continuity and Change in View of the Global Soy Complex”, in: Sustainability 14, 5481. DOI: 10.3390/su14095481
  • Tittor, Anne (2022): „Inwertsetzung/Kommodifizierung/Finanzialisierung“, in: Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt, Uta von Winterfeld (Hrsg.) (2022): Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konzepte, Begriffe und Methoden. Bielefeld. Transcript Verlag, 399-405.
  • Relly, E.; De Majo, C. (2022): "A soyance of Fire: Knowledge, Science and the igneous Expansion of Soyabean in tropical/subtropical South America.“, In: The Age of the Soybean: An Environmental History of Soy During the Great Acceleration, Claiton Marcio da Silva, Claudio de Majo (eds.), 143-163.
  • Backhouse, M.; Lehmann, R.; Lorenzen, K.; Lühmann, M.; Puder, J.; Rodríguez, F.; Tittor, A. (eds.) (2021): Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities. Socio-Ecological Perspectives on Biomass Sourcing and Production, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Media and Podcasts


Project Staff