The SFB short film:

About property in transition and the work of the SFB.

This film is the work of Catharina Göldner and Katharina Hamann.

The members of the Collaborative Research Centre in summer 2023

Image: Marlen van den Ecker

Welcome to the website of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 294 "Structural Change of Property"!

The Collaborative Research Centre pursues the goal of investigating the fundamental structural change of property that could be observed at the latest since 1989.  The Collaborative Research Centre contains a total of 23 subprojects at five locations in Germany: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Sprecher*innenhochschule), Universität Erfurt, Freie Universität BerlinCarl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Technische Universität Darmstadt.

While private property has gained in importance worldwide since 1989 under conditions of increasing concentration and deregulation, the resulting property system has proved to be both crisis-prone and highly controversial in the face of new economic, political and technological challenges. It isn't challenged only by the global financial and economic crises, but also by political conflicts over the appropriation, distribution and containment of private property, as well as by the dynamics of the knowledge and bio-economies, which are linked to alternative concepts of common property, shared use and free access to resources.


We are now also on Bluesky!

You can now also find out about our events and other news from the SFB on Bluesky!

Vacancies for researchers in the SFB

Our second funding phase has started and a number of research projects are offering positions for researchers (doctoral and postdoc).


New publication!

Sofia Bianchi Mancini's paper on "Narrating Divine Property: The Case of Sacred Groves in Statian Poetry" has just been published open access.

New publication!

Maria Pfeiffer and Marco Sonnberger published a new article titled "Rushing for the gold of the energy transition: An empirical exploration of the relevance of landownership for the wind energy expansion in Germany" in Energy Research & Social Science.

Read the full article here

New publication!

Jan Dirk Harke published "Die Geburt des Eigentums", a new volume of the SFB-series, with Campus Verlag.

Event information

The projects B08, C05 and JRT06 will be hosting the workshop "Umkämpfter digitaler Kapitalismus: Neofeudalismus, Geopolitik und soziale Konflikte" on March 13 and 14 in Jena. Register via email to Florian Schadwinkel (


Firmly countering attacks on the freedom of research and teaching

The statement was written by a network of gender researchers in the wake of the current attacks on academic freedom and gender studies and was first published by the Gender Studies Association on February 5, 2025. The Collaborative Research Center endorses this statement and stands up for academic freedom. It strongly condemns attacks against gender researchers, but also all other scientists. You can read the full statement (in German) here!


New publication!

Robin Saalfeld published the article "From Renters to Investors? Residential Property and the Asset Economy in German Couples’ Lives" in Housing, Theory and Society.

Visit page


Kino am Markt; Jena

Movie series „Eigentum im Blick“

On April 8, 2025, the SFB is hosting a screening of the movie "Lichter der Straße" in Jena, including a subsequent discussion with director Anna Friedrich.