Property concepts and conflicts in the process of privatisation: Communal self-government and communal property in Eastern Europe since 1990


Privatisation and self-government were inextricably connected during the Eastern European transformations. Using the developments in Poland as an example, the project explores how corporate property underwent a process of reinvention, political debate and policy-making during the reforms of local self-government in Eastern Europe in the transformational phase of the 1990s.

It further explores the influence of communal self-government on the social acceptance of privatisation. At its centre, then, are the disembedding and re-embedding of corporate property as a result of government action and government bodies.

Project activities


Scientific publications
  • Peters, Florian (2024): “Die Wiederaneignung der postsozialistischen Stadt. Kommunale Selbstverwaltung und kommunales Eigentum in Polen nach 1989”, In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 34, H. 3, (forth.).
  • Peters, Florian (2024): " 'They all talk about Free Market, but…' Conceptions of Capitalism and Privatisation in Post-socialist Poland and East Central Europe", In: Martin Schulze Wessel / Darina Volf (ed.): Out of Sync: The Uneven Development of East Central Europe since 1989 (Bad Wiesseer Tagungen des Collegium Carolinum. 43), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, (forth.).
  • Peters, Florian (2024): "Old Walls Crumble, New Barriers Appear. Polish Perspectives on German Reunification and European Integration", In: Kiran Klaus Patel (ed.): Tangled Transformations: Unifying Germany and Integrating Europe, 1985–1995, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Peters, Florian (2024): "Shock Therapy Mythologies. Contested Memories of Poland’s Balcerowicz Plan", In: Veronika Pehe / Joanna Wawrzyniak (eds.): Remembering the Neoliberal Turn. Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989, London: Routledge, 22–38.
  • Peters, F.; Rinne, J.; Saalfeld, R.; Schmalz, S.; Stuart, A.; Weth, L. von der (2024): Eigentumskonflikte - eine Typologie. Hg. v. Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 294 "Strukturwandel des Eigentums“ (Working Paper Nr. 5).
  • Peters, Florian (2023a): Von Solidarność zur Schocktherapie. Wie der Kapitalismus nach Polen kam, Berlin: Ch. Links.
  • Peters, Florian (2023b): "Inflation und Schocktherapie. Polnische Transformationserfahrungen", In: Mittelweg 36, 32, H. 6, 108–126.
  • Peters, Florian (2023c): "Neoliberal Takeover? How the Social History of Economic Ideas Contributes to Historicising Post-socialist Transformations", In: Forum Historiae, 17, H. 2, 1–12.
Media and podcasts
  • Peters, Florian: Property rights versus tenants: Interview mit Beata Siemieniako zur Restitution von Mietshäusern in Polen. Episode der Podcasts "Urban Political“ und "appropriate“, 30.11.2023.


Project Staff