New Publications

Title: Die Geburt des Eigentums
Author: Jan Dirk Harke
February 2025
About the book
Property, as an effective right towards anyone, was not inherently part of Roman law. The concept of exclusively attributing a thing to its owner only appears significantly after the law of the twelve tables. With this however, the crucial steps towards testamentary freedom are being taken. Hereby, the boundaries of the position of the testator are being deconstructed, which in turn could not comply with a merely relative attribution of things. If an owner can decide about the destiny of their property, even beyond death, they need to be in position of exclusive entitlement before the fact. The concept of usufruct further connects with testamentary freedom as a catalyst for development. It is constructed as the functional opposite of property and, recognizably in the context of inheritance, fulfills the purpose of supporting disinherited relatives.

Title: Theorien des Eigentums zur Einführung
Authors: Niklas Angebauer, Tilo Wesche
December 2024
About the book
What is property? Who should own what and why? Philosophical theories of property deal with questions such as these. In a critical examination of relevant positions from Aristotle to John Locke, Karl Marx and John Rawls, this volume uncovers the foundations of property theories on which socio-political issues of our time are discussed. It traces the various justifications of property, establishes connections in the history of ideas and addresses the question of the limits and restrictions of property. Whether it is climate protection, affordable housing or the question of who should own data: as Niklas Angebauer and Tilo Wesche point out, any convincing justification of property simultaneously presupposes its limitation.

Title: Havings. Steps Towards a New Economic Philosophy of Property and Beyond
Author: Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
November 2024
About the book
Exploring the economic, sociological, and philosophical implications of property, this book aims to overcome the conceptual and ideological limitations inherited from 19th-century debates and legal developments. It introduces a new conceptual framework that substitutes the term »property« with the terms »having« and the neologism »havings«, analyzed through two dimensions: the action modes of having (appropriation, recognition, and assignment) and the structural modes of havings (possession, ownership, and property). After presenting two case studies, the final chapter outlines a new economic system that moves beyond the polarity of capitalism and socialism, grounded in the multidimensionality of having. The study addresses a wider audience in economics, social sciences, philosophy, and jurisprudence.

Title: Nach dem Privateigentum? Güter, Infrastrukturen und Weltverhältnisse im Kapitalismus des 21. Jahrhunderts.
Authors: Silke van Dyk, Tilman Reitz, Hartmut Rosa
June 2024
About the book
Political conflicts over the distribution of property, precarious infrastructures, technological developments and economic and ecological crises suggest a structural change in property in the 21st century. The contributions in this volume analyse this change from a sociological perspective. They focus in particular on non-industrial goods - from knowledge and information to land and property - as well as collective contributions and infrastructures that increasingly determine capitalist economies. Although private property is more powerful than ever after decades of deregulation and concentration, it is facing a serious crisis and is being supplemented by new orders of access and division, which are also shifting individual and collective world relations.
Publication series 'Structural change of property'
Edited by Silke van Dyk, Tilman Reitz and Hartmut Rosa
The series emerged from the Collaborative Research Centre "Structural Change of Property" funded by the German Research Foundation. It brings together outstanding academic work on the history, present and future of property from an interdisciplinary perspective. It is based on the assumption that the institution of private property is coming under increasing pressure in the face of intensified distribution conflicts, new digital productive forces and the crises of social and ecological reproduction and is confronted with alternatives.
Monographs and Edited Volumes

Here you will find an overview of the monographs and Edited Volumes published in the SFB 294 “Structural Change of Property”.
continueJournal Articles

Here you will find an overview of the Journal Articles published in the SFB 294 “Structural Change of Property”.
continueWorking Paper

The Working Paper series of the Collaborative Research Centre 'Structural Change of Property' publishes first, preliminary research results from the different subprojects as well as impulses for debates from cross-project discussions and working groups within the SFB at irregular intervals. Contributions by fellows and associated members of the SFB also appear in this series.
Members of the editorial team are Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Lukas Lachenicht, Florian Peters, Christine Schickert and Amelie Stuart.
The team can be reached at:
New Library of Property
In the New Library of Property you will find a link-equipped and easily searchable bibliography with texts on the subject of property, get access to publications from the SFB Structural Change in Property and will find material collections from these and other pools in the future. In addition, every quarter we present an interesting source text related to our research in more detail.
To the website of the New Library of Property