Working Papers

The Working Paper series of the Collaborative Research Centre 'Structural Change of Property' publishes first, preliminary research results from the different subprojects as well as impulses for debates from cross-project discussions and working groups within the SFB at irregular intervals. Contributions by fellows and associated members of the SFB also appear in this series.

The series is overseen by an editorial team consisting of  Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Lukas Lachenicht, Florian Peters, Christine Schickert and Amelie Stuart.
The team can be reached at:

Working Paper No. 1

The Three Modes of Appropriation.

Title: The Three Modes of Appropriation. Lessons of Chinese Practice for Theorizing Property.

Authors: Cheng Jing, Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Li Ling

Date: June 2022

Download Working Paper No.1

Working Paper No. 2

Title: Between Openness and Exclusion. Property and Profitability in the Information Economy.

Authors: Marlen van den Ecker, Tilman Reitz, Sebastian Sevignani 

Date: April 2023

Download Working Paper No. 2


Working Paper No. 3


Title: Perceptions of Wealth and Attitudes Towards Redistributive Policies in Urban Villages of Shenzhen, China.

Authors: Guo Man, Pan Liqun, Carsten Herrmann-PillathCheng Jing and Li Ling

Date: November 2022

Download Working Paper No. 3

Working Paper No.4

Title: Towards a New Language of “Property”

Author: Carsten Herrmann-Pillath

Date: July 2023

Download Working Paper No. 4


Paper No. 5

Working Paper 5

Title: Eigentumskonflikte. Eine Typologie.

Authors: Florian Peters, Jonathan Rinne, Robin K. Saalfeld, Stefan Schmalz, Amelie Stuart, Lydia von der Weth

Date: Februar 2024

Download Working Paper Nr. 5

Working Paper No. 6

Title: Property vs. Usage Rights Attitudes of Citizens and Political Elites

Authors: Jonathan Rinne, Malte Janzing, Helen Bönnighausen

Date: May 2024

Download Working Paper Nr. 6

Cover Working Paper 6