
Event information

Achim Seifert (B02) is co-organisor and panel member at the workshop entitled "Wege zur Solidarität. Konzeptionelle Wurzeln des modernen Sozialstaats in Frankreich und Deutschland" (in German and French). The workshop will take place on May 23 from 1 p.m. and 24 at the Centre Marc Bloch (Berlin).

Event flyer

Kick-off event for the Nucleus sub-project 'The transformative potential of sharing'

On April 22, the sub-project led by Jörg Oberthür (C06) in the transfer area Nucleus was presented to students. 


Event information

Tilo Wesche (A06) is a guest in the panel discussion "Who owns nature? Legal, philosophical and political aspects" with Bärbel Frischmann and Michael Riegner. The discussion will take place on April 24 from 6 p.m. in seminar room C19.00.02/03 of the "Weltbeziehungen" research building (Nordhäuser Str. 63, 99091 Erfurt).

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New blog post!

Verena Wolf (JRT01) writes in the new post of the SFB blog about the role of private property in causing the climate crisis. She addresses the global inequality in CO2 emissions and shows that owning private property results in more carbon emissions. This leads her to the question of the extent to which planetary boundaries determine the ownership of private property.

"Das Kollektive im Privaten. Eigentumskonflikte und die Neuverhandlung des Öffentlichen"

Lecture by Silke van Dyk as part of the lecture series "Im Widerstreit. Conflict zones in contemporary society" at Universität Hamburg. Thursday, April 18, 2024, 16:15 - 17:45, Main Building, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Lecture Hall K. More information can be found here.

SFB in the media

Stefan Schmalz (sub-project JRT02) was interviewed by the ARD magazine Fakt on the occasion of the ongoing labor dispute in the company SRW Metalfloat with Chinese owner on the increase of strikes in East Germany.

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The SFB in the media

Stefan Schmalz (sub-project JRT02) and Klaus Dörre (sub-project B05) are interviewed by Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) as experts on the dispute between owners and trade unions following the takeover by Chinese investors of companies in Germany. The interviewees discuss the differing views of the Chinese owners and the German labour unionists.

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New podcast episode Appropriate!

In this new episode Jean-David Gerber talks about regional and conceptional differences in the perception of property and demonstrates their impact on public and private usage of resources by exploring historical and present-day debates around property in Switzerland

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The SFB in the media

Carsten Herrmann-Pillath has published a guest article in the Frankfurter Rundschau on “KI und Energieverbrauch: Wie Technologie zum Klimaproblem wird”. The author discusses the energy consumption of data processing, which in turn raises questions of ownership and responsibility.

New publication!

Felix Krämer presented his book “Leben auf Kredit. Menschen, Macht und Schulden in den USA vom Ende der Sklaverei bis in die Gegenwart” at the final symposium of a BMBF project by Grit Grigoleit-Richter entitled “Intersecting Inequalities: Race, Gender, and Capitalism in the U.S. Welfare State”.

The book will be published in the series of the Collaborative Research Centre Structural Change of Property, which can now also be found on our website under publications.

New publication!

Marco Sonnberger, Alena Bleicher and Matthias Groß have published the completely revised and expanded edition of the Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Whether on the topic of sustainability, questions of environmental justice or postcolonial perspectives on environmental research, the topic of property is present in various ways throughout the volume.

MEINS?! Strukturwandel des Eigentums – Literature meets Science

The first event in our series on questions of property in literature will take place on January 23 at the Jena Theaterhaus. Felix Lee will read from his novel "China, mein Vater und ich" and discuss with sociologist Stefan Schmalz the social changes in China and how the idea and reality of property have changed as a result. Further information and tickets here.

New publication

Petra Gümplová has published a new post on the International Law Blog. The post “Continental Shelf and the Quiet Ocean Commons Grab” provides a critical analysis of the recent U.S. continental shelf expansion, placing it within the broader context of global trends in continental shelf claims and raising important questions about justice, governance, and environmental sustainability in the management of marine resources.

New publications

Carsten Herrmann-Pillath has published a new article in real-world economics review. The title of the article is: “Sharing planet Earth: overcoming speciesism in economics”.

In this article, the author looks at the rights of nature and how these relate to economic growth and the threat of climate catastrophe.

New publication

Klaus Dörre, Steffen Liebig and Kim Lucht, together with Johanna Sittel, have published an article in the Berlin Journal of Sociology.

In “Klasse gegen Klima? Transformationskonflikte in der Autoindustrie”, the authors deal with the social effects of ecological dangers, especially climate change, and emphasise that these dangers do not eliminate social inequalities, but rather reinforce them. The lack of consideration of social classes in ecological education means that measures against climate change come up against social barriers. The socio-ecological transformation is seen as conflictual, and the article empirically examines how management and labour in the automotive industry in Germany deal with these changes.

Event information

Lecture “Schwarz-Sein: Blackness beyond the Human” by Alexander G. Weheliye (Brown University).

Date: 11.01.2024 06:00 p.m.
Venue: Forschungsbau “Weltbeziehungen”, Building C19, University of Erfurt

Please register for the lecture:

You can find the event flyer here.

The SFB in the media

Carsten Herrmann-Pillath has published a guest article in the Frankfurter Rundschau on “Sondervermögen Klima - jetzt!”. In this article, he addresses the millennium challenge of coping with climate change and mistakes that have been made in the past, as well as a possible solution for the future.

Event information

Panel discussion “Weltpolitische Umbrüche: USA – China in Konkurrenz und die wirtschaftlichen Reaktionen Europas” with Helmut Scholz und Stefan Schmalz. (in German)

Date: 08.12.2023 06:00 p.m.
Venue: Kunsthaus, Michaelisstraße 24, Erfurt

For further information on the content and programme, please see the following link.

New podcast episode Appropriate

The new episode discusses conflicts around urban property and its re-privatization together with Warsaw lawyer Beata Siemieniako

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Event information

Workshop Critical Theory in Berlin with the participation of Jacob Blumenfeld, Klaus Dörre and Silke van Dyk. The event will be held in German and registration is not required.

Date: 08-09 December 2023
Location: Auditorium, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Centre, Humboldt University of Berlin
Title: “Vergesellschaftung des Gesellschaftlichen”

For further information on the content and programme, please see the following link.

SFB book launch “Die Rechte der Natur”

For some time now, nature, such as rivers, has been granted its own rights. In his new book "Die Rechte der Natur. Vom nachhaltigen Eigentum", Tilo Wesche explores fundamental questions about the justification, status and scope of these rights.

The Collaborative Research Centre "Structural Change of Property" at the Universities of Jena and Erfurt cordially invites you to the digital book launch on 07.12.2023 from 16:00-18:00. With comments by Carsten Herrmann-Pillath (Erfurt) and Judith Möllhoff (Berlin), moderated by Hartmut Rosa (Jena/ Erfurt).

Please register at:

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In dialogue with Matthew Thompson

Matthew Thompson has been a Mercator Fellow at the SFB since the end of October. We spoke to him about his understanding of property and property structures and their significance for his research.


Event information

Panel discussion with Silke van Dyk as part of the series “Wege aus der linken Krise” of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Saxony.

Date: 27.11.2023 06:30 p.m.
Location: Trade union centre Zwickau
Title: “Die Eigentumsfrage stellen

Further information can be found at the following link.
Registration is requested.

Event information

Stefanie Graefe, Irina Herb and Susanne Lettow from subproject C02 are organising a lecture series in the winter semester 2023/24 entitled “Bodies, power and property in transnational reproductive economies”. 

Next date: 22.November 2023 4-6 p.m. online
Title: Amrita Pande (Department of Sociology, University of Cape Town): “Labour, Property and the fertility industry: Notes from Dalit and Black feminist thought”

Interested parties are very welcome!

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Event information

Scientific publication cultures in the age of open access 
Data control, reputational competition and the commercialisation of scientific publishing from the perspective of the disciplines. 

Joint event organised by the Thuringian University and State Library Jena (ThULB) and the SFB 294 Strukturwandel des Eigentums.

Date: 30.November and 01.Dezember 2023
Ort: Lecture room of the ThULB (Bibliotheksplatz 2)

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Matthew Thompson as guest at SFB

The SFB welcomes Matthew Thompson to his Mercator Fellowship. Today and tomorrow he will participate in the workshop “Local self-governance and urban property relations: Historical and present perspectives“.Furthermore, he will participate in the colloquium programme in the coming weeks.

Event information

Discussion on the occasion of the publication of the translation of Daniel Loick's book "Abuse of Property". In addition to Daniel Loick, Brenna Bhandar and Jacob Blumenfeld (moderator) are participating in the discussion. The translation is by Jacob Blumenfeld.

Date30.09.23 08:00 p.m.
The event will be streamed via Youtube

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